News - August '02

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Let the mayhem begin!(02/08/02)

Do you know what we here at FFS love about Leicester City FC? It's the way that the same things go wrong year after year and the fans can laugh about it!

This week has seen complete bloody chaos down at the new Filbo ticket office...but still most people are managing to smile.

To all those who doubted fans all those who said "you couldn't fill Filbo, you'll never fill the new finger up to you all.

Tickets and merchandise are going like people's lives depend on it. Staff are doing 12 hour shifts without breaks...the first two games are practically sell outs...the shop tills aren't shut long enough to even catch your breath as another shirt is sold, and season tickets and memberships are rattling up.

Bloody brilliant news.

Unfortunately this has meant just a few you can't actually get in touch with the club anymore or buy tickets! Things have gone so completely nutso this week that the phones are now being left off the hook and the fax and e-mail being ignored because they can't cope with demand!

FFS has been e-mailed with all sorts of stories about it and decided to try itself this week to buy a ticket. It took 4 days of telephoning, faxing and e-mailing before we gave up and went down there today. 1hr 40mins later we finally emerged with a ticket...and also 1 hr 40 minutes of good fun, lots of banter and new friends made as everyone had a good laugh in the queue and reminisced about various previous queuing sessions for Wembley tickets!

Most fans are being brilliant and being relatively calm in very trying circumstances, and the staff are working flat out. Moving stadium and offices whilst learning a new ticket system and with naff all money...not our idea of a few fun weeks for the poor sods.

Next of course, comes the fiasco on know the drill by now. ..your season ticket hasn't arrived, or it has but your seat doesn't exist, or it does exist but someone else is sitting in it.

This year you'll have the added fun of seats numbered in the wrong order or missing completely in the new stadium as stairs are there instead now so there'll be people sitting in the aisles. There's even talk of having to renumber many, meaning the ones you sat in at the open day may have "moved"!

It wouldn't be the first day of the new season without it all so get there early and enjoy the chaos. Keep a smile on your faces and don't blame the poor stewads!

Best "They completely ballsed my season ticket up" story e-mailed to FFS after the game will win a prize!

You know it's going to happen, so just enjoy means the season's started again...what more could you want?!

Leicester...we love you. Keep the faith!

Tell us what you think about this in our FFS Fans Forum.


Does your seat exist and have they sold it to some big fat bloke as well as you?!

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